Writing this post is making me hungry by the second.
Why not? For once again I will be talking about food and as I have promised on my earlier blog post
I ♥ CEBU FOOD-- Part 1 I will create PART 2 and this time giving you a list of the Top 10 most popular Cebuano food based on my interview on some people that I knew-- mostly Cebuanos, some from other provinces who have stayed in Cebu...and of course based also from my own preferences.
But yeah, just like how I felt, ranking and scoring to get the Top Ten was really difficult. There are some of my Top which didn't make it to the overall Top 10-- even if i was a little (only a little) disappointed, I have to post the list based on all my interviews...haha...however I have to admit, I have some biases, but in time you will surely agree that these food should make it to the Top 10 Favorite Cebuano Food.
Are you ready to rumble??? My stomach has already started to ...
Let's start on.....
10. Otap and Rosquillos
Waaa? two delicacies in one number... I admit, there's a tie on this one. Hahaha!
Both can be eaten as merienda / snack and as dessert!

Otap ~ is an oval shaped crispy biscuit. It's crispiness is from the fragility of its wafer like crust, it could actually be messy to eat. Hahaha! Made from flour, shortening and coconut, it is also sprinlkled with sugar. Otap originated in Cebu but is also popular in other provinces of the Visayas. It is one of the favorite pampasalubong. More of Otap? you can visit
The Otap as A Snack

Rosquillos ~ are ring shaped cookies from flour, eggs, shortening, baking powder and sugar. Some are made chewy and some are mady extra crunchy or crispy. The most popular Rosquillos is from the town of Liloan, Cebu wherein they also have a Rosquillos Festival every end of May. For more information about Rosquillos and its history you can check out
http://explorecebu.com/content/rosquillos-festival. ^_^
9. La-maw

What??? Lamaw? Yes, lamaw. It is a snack/drink/dessert from coconut juice or milk and buko or young coconut meat. Ok what's the difference between lamaw and butong? Actually, there isn't much except-- butong actually is misconcepted as lamaw where in fact lamaw has added sugar or milk while butong has no added sugar or milk. Really really? Yes, really... I learned that when I asked my Aunt about it... Aaaaah! Now I know! It is best served chilled while eating other snacks or meal, other fruits can be added to it too. ^_^ Fact is La-maw is the simplest form of buko salad. Perfect for summer! ^_^
More awesome Summer quenchers check out
8. Su-Tu-Kil
Oww! I just hit three birds with one stone. But hey, you have to agree that SuTuKil will always be a favorite Cebuano food trip. Mainly seafood on the menu, SuTuKil actually is Sugba- Tula- Kilaw.

Sugba/ Sinugba~ simply means broiled or barbecued

Tula/ Tinuwa~ is the food with hot sabaw or broth/soup cooked with spices

Kilaw/ Kinilaw~ a big favorite, is raw fish or other raw food mixed in vinegar and other spices

SuTuKil is very popular especially in Mactan Island of Cebu where there are seaside places that offer the SuTuKil way--- by choosing your own fresh fish or other seafood to have them Sugba, Tula, or Kilaw... ^__^ ♥ Seafood!!!
7. Dried Mangoes/ Mango Chips

Yeeeey! For me I have this in Number 1 in my own top ten list. And it's just the on the 7th? Noooo!!! Hahaha...Oh well, dried mangoes is an all time favorite...simply because Mangoes are number one favorite fruits amongst Pinoys. Drying the mangoes make it more sweet and have more texture. More so, it is easily carried around and eaten as snacks or treats. Mangoes are sun-dried after cutting them into slices or into chips. I so wanna have a big pack right now! ^_^
6. Carcar Chicharon
It has to be Carcar's for the place is not only known popular for their shoes and other footwear, but also for their delectable Chicharon. Curious how chicharon is made? First let's discuss what is it made of--simply pork skin fried and refried until it grows extracrispy. The fat and the skin combined with salt and sometimes other spices then dipped into plain vinegar or sometimes hinalang or more famous Pinakurat vinegar. Next time you come to turn in Carcar's Rotonda, you might wanna stop for a while and try chicharon .
5. Inasal Manok
Wait, isn't lechon manok famous in other provinces as well? Hmmm... let me make this clear....Inasal Manok is actually quite different from the usual lechon manok. The best recipe for Inasal Manok is the one from Dumanjug.

However Dumanjug's special Inasal looks like this. The difference? The Dumanjoans have a special way in preparing it and they use organic fed native chickens. ^_^ A must-try and best complemented with atsara.
4. Larsian's Barbecue
Why not? Okay let's say, you can find the same kind of food elsewhere in the Philippines. But to be eating at Larsian's famous for their barbecues is a different experience. There's Larsians near Fuente Osmeña as well as in Mactan. Eitherwhich, people love to eat in Larsian's. Issues rolled about sanitation and smoke and carcinogens, but hey, stubborn Filipinos. Hahaha! Really curious what's there? try reading here
http://www.cebucentral.com/cebuinfocus/Larsian.html"So unsa man? Larsian ta? Wai blema!"
3. Siomai sa Tisa

Wait, isn't siomai chinese? haha, well of course. However Tisa has a special way of presenting it, and instantly, it has become known as Siomai from Tisa. Hmmm, though I am not so crazy about Siomai sa Tisa, I have to say I really am a fan of siomai. But siomai from Tisa has a special distinct flavor, must be the sauce or it must be the ingredients to the stuffing. Don't really know, but it's very flavorful. ^__^ heehee Cebuanos really love siomai...i mean really...
2. Lechon Baboy
Crispy and crunchy brown scrumptous skin and savory juicy tender meat, lechon baboy is always present in festivities such as weddings, birthdays and other celebrations.
What makes Cebu Lechon Baboy different from other Lechon? Aside from being cooked over burning charcoals, it is later cooked over live fire...uhuh...now you know. Another thing, Cebuanos don't have sarsa sauce made up of a liver paste base, which is the usual sauce. Cebuanos just have vinegar with soy sauce and chili dip. ^_^
1. Buwad!!!
"buntag buwad, udto buwad, inig ka hapon mag sugba tag buwad!!!"
And Taboan is just the place to be!
There's nowhere else you can get the best kind and in many different kinds than here in Taboan Buwad Market Cebu City. Danggit? Dilis? Pusit? Pinikas? Buwad is any dried fish, salted or unsalted-- young and old, rich or poor, everyone enjoys it. Aside from being a side dish or a complement to other viand...Just have a saucer with suka (vinegar) and rice, and it's already a meal!
That's it! Phew! That's the Top Ten Favorite Food amongst Cebuanos! ^__^ hahaha
however, I have to present to you the ALL TIME popular Cebuano food...
It's not in the list because it goes well with most of them...
I am talking about nothing else but PUSO...yep...that's right! the Hanging Rice... ^_^ a staple cebuano food...
Thanks guys for reading! and to all my friends who helped me too! ^_^ Enjoy Cebu!